Accumu 京都コンピュータ学院55周年・京都情報大学院大学15周年

謝辞 京都情報大学院大学 学長 茨木俊秀


京都情報大学院大学 学長
茨木 俊秀

謝辞 京都情報大学院大学 学長 茨木 俊秀






現在の情報社会は,ビッグデータ,IoT,人工知能などの新しい技術によって,次のフェーズに移りつつあると言われています。「超スマート社会」「Society 5.0」「Industry 4.0」「第4次産業革命」など呼び名は様々ですが,大きな変化が確実に到来することに違いはありません。特に人工知能は,自ら学習し自己増殖することによって,近い将来,人間の知能を超えてしまうだろうと予測されています。このような時代にあって,本学では,ICTの研鑽を積みながら,それが社会に与える影響をしっかりと理解し,正しく活用することのできる人材を育てたいと願っています。次なる社会を支えるための教育機関として,今後もチャレンジを続けてまいる所存です。



謝辞 京都情報大学院大学 学長 茨木 俊秀


Toshihide Ibaraki, President The Kyoto College of Graduate Studies for Informatics

In celebrating the 55th anniversary of Kyoto Computer Gakuin and the 15th anniversary of The Kyoto College of Graduate Studies for Informatics today, I would like to express my feeling of gratitude on behalf of the faculty members.

First of all, we thank you all for taking the time out of your busy schedule to attend this ceremony. The Ambassadors of each country and the guests from the embassies concerned, our honored guests from domestic and overseas education institutes, the distinguished guests from administrative and corporate organizations who have joined us here today; we would like to express our heartiest thanks to you all. Further, to the alumni, the concerned parties of our Group, and the students of our schools, we thank you for supporting us today. The current prosperity of KCG Group is because of you all who have showed empathy with our idea and extended support to us.

It has been said for a long time that our domestic industry has been suffering from shortage of human resources with IT skill. However, the details have changed. The shortage of human resources meant a shortage of programmers in the past. In recent years, after the development of various programming languages, the workforce that is requested are those who understand ICT technologies and are capable of applying it to various fields of society, rather than programmers.

To respond to the changes in society, The Kyoto College of Graduate Studies for Informatics has established a series of courses under the name of “Applied Information Technology.” Besides cutting-edge ICT technologies, we provide a wide range of learning opportunities, including business management, finance, agriculture, fishery, the contents industry such as animation and games, healthcare industry and tourism. We are committed to developing graduates who have expertise in ICT in these diverse fields. This educational motto is shared among the entire KCG group including Kyoto Computer Gakuin.

The modern information society is said to be moving to the next phase through technologies such as big data, IoT, AI and so on. While the new age is called with various names such as “Ultra-Smart Society,” “Society 5.0,” “Industry 4.0” and “the 4th Industrial Revolution,” we are undoubtedly expecting a drastic change ahead of us. Particularly, artificial intelligence (AI) is said to surpass human intelligence in near future, because it has deep learning and self-evolving functions. In the advent of such a society, we consider that we need to develop human resources who can understand the impact of technologies on the society. We are determined to continue our challenges as an education institute who can support the future society.

Many people have supported us in the school history for as long as 55 years. To conclude my speech, I say thank you again to all the stakeholders and to all who are attending the ceremony today. I would like to ask for your continued support and guidance.

Thank you!


京都情报大学院大学 校长 茨木 俊秀




现在的信息社会,正由大数据,IoT,人工智能等新技术逐渐转型至未来的社会。现如今虽已有诸如“超智能社会”“Society 5.0”“Industry 4.0”“第4次产业革命”等各式各样的猜想,但这个社会将会发生大的变化是毋庸置疑的。特别是人工智能可以预测到在不久的将来会通过自主学习和自我增值来超越人类的智力。在这样的时代背景下,我希望本校,在积累钻研ICT的同时,培养出能够影响这个社会,并正确理解且活用IoT的人才。作为支援新时代社会的教育机构,我校今后也将继续迎接挑战。

