トップ » Vol.22-23 » KCGグループ創立50周年 » 京都コンピュータ学院創立50周年・京都情報大学院大学創立10周年記念式典 » 祝辞 ボスニア・ヘルツェゴビナ 特命全権大使 ペロ・マティッチ 閣下

Accumu 京都コンピュータ学院創立50周年・京都情報大学院大学創立10周年記念式典

祝辞 ボスニア・ヘルツェゴビナ 特命全権大使 ペロ・マティッチ 閣下

ボスニア・ヘルツェゴビナ 特命全権大使
ペロ・マティッチ 閣下

ボスニア・ヘルツェゴビナ 特命全権大使 ペロ・マティッチ 閣下

Madam Hasegawa, Ladies and Gentlemen,

It is my great pleasure to visit this beautiful city and to take part in the remarkable Ceremony commemorating the 50th Anniversary of Kyoto Computer Gakuin and the 10th Anniversary of The Kyoto College of Graduate Studies for Informatics.

Kyoto Computer Gakuin is the first private institution for computer education in Japan, founded in 1963 by Mr. Shigeo Hasegawa and Ms. Yasuko Hasegawa. Since its establishment in 1963, Kyoto Computer Gakuin has been a pioneering leader in the development of computer education in Japan. The Kyoto College of Graduate Studies for Informatics was founded as the very first IT professional graduate school in Japan.

After the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Japanese Government and Japanese organizations have invested in a lot of projects which were very significant for a recovery from the war and reconciliation in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Kyoto Computer Gakuin is one of such organizations.

In March 2007, KCG donated 45 used computers to Bosnia and Herzegovina through “Ipil Ipil no Kai”, a volunteer body engaged in recovering from war and disaster, as a part of the education support program of KCG, International Development of Computer Education.

Kyoto Computer Gakuin donated the computers in the hope that Bosnia and Herzegovina would move ahead the forefront on IT, concertedly and irrespective of ethnic groups.

In May 2007, the delegation of Kyoto Computer Gakuin visited a several Universities in Bosnia and Herzegovina to strengthen the bounds.

It is hope that the academic partnership of universities between Bosnia and Herzegovina and KCG/KCGI will become much more active in near future.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank KCG for all the help to Bosnia and Herzegovina.

I believe that KCG/KCGI will remain in the position to lead the world in the field of ICT education.

Once again, Madam Hasegawa, thank you very much on behalf of my country, Bosnia and Herzegovina.


ボスニア・ヘルツェゴビナ 特命全権大使 ペロ・マティッチ 閣下


KCGは,長谷川繁雄先生と長谷川靖子先生により,日本で最初の私立のコンピュータ教育機関として1 9 6 3 年に創立されました。以来,KCGはパイオニアとして,日本におけるコンピュータ教育の発展を今日まで担い続け,日本で第一号のIT専門職大学院であるKCGIも創立されております。



ボスニア・ヘルツェゴビナ 特命全権大使 ペロ・マティッチ 閣下


2007年の5月には,KCGの代表団が我が国の複数の大学を訪れ,各大学との絆を深められました。K C G ならびにK C G Iと我が国の大学が,教育における連携を今後ますます活性化し,深めていくことを望んでおります。


K C G ならびにK C G I は,IT(ICT)教育において,今後も変わらず世界に先駆ける存在であり続けるものと私は確信しております。